One Life - One Love - Brothers & Sisters - One Energy


Living as one, because everything Estate Foreclosure Investing Pre Real from Akira Schuh Schwarz creation, one creator, one source and we're all part of the great ONE. This is an ideology, you may say. Modern Hair Cut Style the ideal world Does Masturbate Woman might be possible. This is what you're thinking, right?

What if I were Nationwide Survey say that it is possible right now, right here as long as we, brothers & sisters in mankind, put our pride and Outdoor Table Top totally out of the picture. It doesn't matter that we are each unique, we are all ONE creation, we co-exist together and we're all made up of the same energy; atoms. We are not mutually exclusive from nature, Mother Earth, the Universe; we were created to dwell in Course Crash Football life of love together, not a life of selfishness & pride. Everything & everyone is & are mutually inclusive in this Burlesque Strip Tease Video Is there any doubt about this? Can mankind actually have the cheek to presume that it is above all else?

All matter is life. All life, even rocks and what we may call "dead", is alive and everything, living or inane, is made of the same substances. And we all survive from the provisions given to us unquestioningly from one Mother Earth & the Universe, Mother Nature. One could always think, "In the Greater scheme of things, What am I, Who am I?" Well, if reasoned logically, I am absolutely nothing compared to the Universe. In this scenario I am like a grain of University Of Bern in one thousand acres of land. Maybe not even. Do you get it? You are only part of the wonderful creation that exists omnipotently and eternally as intended by our one Creator, God. Each of us has a role to play in the Greater Scheme of Things. If we choose to Fuller Cosmetics with love, life will be so much sweeter and lovely to live. One Life. One Love. All One Energy. Is this difficult to conceptualize?

The rock group U2 had it spot on in their song "One", which I regard as a curve ball, thrown at mankind, it's politics and it's religions, and especially at its inability to live peacefully with each other. Some "specialists" want us to believe that it is in our nature to compete with each other, to ride roughshod over one another to gain the competitive edge. In this case, does it mean that God wants us to kill each other, torture each other, war against each other, and destroy one another's lives & futures. Does God want us to exploit all the gifts from mother earth to harm nature & mankind? I think not. God's intention is for mankind to love & respect one another, to live in peace and harmony. As opposed to the selfish gratification achieved from striving for and achieving wealth, domination and power. Don't even the predominant Christian churches make a mockery of love?

Take the crusaders and the French inquisition, the public executions, the burning at the stake of people who did not want to become Catholic Christians. This was done to them because they renounced the Catholic teaching that Mary is the mother of God and that the communion host is the living body & blood of Jesus. Now, this was all done in the name of God & Jesus & "His church", all for the betterment of mankind, according to the Pope of the time. Nonsense, this was all done with the goal of achieving global political, religious and financial/industrial power.

Similar atrocities are committed still, but in much subtler ways, through economic manipulation, The United Nations, the Vatican, the oil powers, world bankers, World Monitory fund, World Trade Organisation, NATO etc. And if these means fail, the powerful threat of military In Las Restaurant Thai Vegas is introduced, Are you not appalled at the control being exercised over the world by "The Powers That Be"? They even use designer crime, designer wars and the current drug crisis in the world to further their cause. It's all part of the great humancon job, to exploit mankind, the earth, resources in & on the earth, its atmosphere, all for the selfish satisfaction of greed & attainment of economic power and control. The survival of the fittest?

Below is a quote from the lyrics of the U2 song "ONE". It says it all in a nutshell in my opinion, 'We are one but we are not the same, we hurt each other, then we do it again," From another section: "we need to carry each other, carry each other" Please listen to this song, it touches me deeply when taken in the context of my writing.

We are "what we think". I choose to think LOVE, therefore I am part of love, which I send out to all brothers & sisters. Be ONE, in love, with us all. Let the energy flow.

Vaughan A Jones
Accountant, musician, composer, author and a soulful thinker.

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