A Review Of Medical Studies On Peyronie's Penile Curvature


Penile Curvature or Peyronie's Disease is an abnormal bend in 55 penis that occurs during erection. A man with Peyronie's Disease has calcified or hardened tissues in his member restricting the penis from expanding during an erection. This results in a curvature at that point of restriction. Though penile curvature cannot cause physical harm, it can be painful and have an important detrimental effect on your sex life.

Let's review the nature and results of three scientific studies conducted on conditions associated with penile curvature and Peyronie's disease.

Study #1 : Can an External Penis Stretcher Reduce Peyronie's Penile Curvature ?

Results published at the 2nd European Congress of Andrology. European Academy of Andrology in Malm, Sweden on September 19-22, 2002.

The study was performed by the Andrology Service, Ospedale SanPaolo Polo Universitario, Milano (Italy) and the Andrology Unit, Dip. Fisiopat. Clin., Universit di Firenze, Firenze (Italy).

Peyronie's fibrotic lesions frequently affect the dorsal tunica albuginea and the septum of the penis leading to penile deformity and pain during erection. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of mechanical penile stretching to reduce penile deformity during erection.

Ten patients (average age 57 yrs.) affected by Peyronie's disease, apparently unmodified at least for the latest 3 months and causing penile curvature during erection were trained to use a mechanical penis stretcher. None of them complained about erectile dysfunction and penile pain. Patients were subjected to daily home penis stretcher application for a minimum of 4 hours per day for 3 to 6 months. At the end of the treatment results indicated an increase in penile length and a decrease in curvature with all patients. The treatment was well tolerated (no severe complication and no drop out occurred). These results suggest a promising use of a penis stretcher in selected Peyronie's patients affected by penile curvature without erectile dysfunction or calcific plaques.

Study #2 : Treatment with penile retraction in evolutive Peyronie's Shoulda Woulda Coulda with external penis stretching

Results published at the 5th Congress of the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (ESSIR) in Hamburg, Germany on December 1-4, 2002. The scientific study was also published in the international Journal of Impotence Research (vol. 14, suppl. 4, December2002).

The study was performed by the Andrology Service of the SanPaolo Hospital University of Milan, Italy.

One of the major complaints of Peyronie's disease is penile retraction. The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of mechanical penile stretching in evolutive Peyronie's disease. Twenty-two men (age: 18-78 years) suffering from Peyronie's disease at different stages of penile retraction were enrolled and followed-up. The penis stretcher device was used, on average, for 5 hours/day, for 3 months. No adverse side effects occurred. The data collected indicated that the stretched penis elongation increased at the end of the treatment and researchers concluded that penis stretching is effective in Peyronie's disease treatment, especially at the stage of severe penile retraction.

Study #3 : Management of penile shortening after Peyronie's disease surgery

Results published at the 11th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, held on Oct 17th-21st, 2004 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and at the 7th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, held on December 5-8, 2004 in London, UK.

The study was performed by the Urology Unit of the Gregorio Maran Hospital in Madrid, Spain.

The objective of the study was to assess the value, in terms of increasing the length of the penis, of 8 to 12-hour daily application of a penile extender device after penile surgery for Peyronie's disease. A secondary objective was to assess the health related quality of life outcome in patients using this device.

30 men, ages 54-64 years, underwent penile surgery for Peyronie's disease. After the surgery, 15 of the 30 patients were treated with a penile extender (Andro-penis device) daily over a 4-month period. Length and girth of the penis was measured before and after surgery and after the use of the extender.

Sustained treatment for 4 months with a penile stretching device provided an increase in penile lenght from 1 to 4 cms and an increase in girth of 0,5 to 1,5 cm. A significant difference could be observed between both groups. The use of the device was generally well tolerated, only 2 patients had moderate penile pain. No other complications were recorded.

The researchers concluded that the use of the penile extender device on an 8 to 12-hour daily regimen is an effective and safe way to minimize loss of penile length in patients operated for Peyronie's disease. Its use provides a significant improvement of the conditions associated with Peyronie's disease and health related quality of life compared to the control group.

The above-mentioned studies indicate that a quality penile extender trains and exercises naturally the penis cells, increasing their elasticity resulting in a 22 or completely eliminated curvature. It also supports the fact that the constant, permanent stretch to the cells of the penis will strengthen the penile tissues thus reducing the likelihood of scarring resulting to Peyronie's Disease.

Marc Deschamps is the editor of http://www.for-men-only-magazine.com , a free online publication dedicated to the sexual health of the modern man. Go to http://www.for-men-only-magazine.com/peyronie-s-disease-treatment.html for more information on non surgical options to Peyronie's disease treatment.

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