Overflow of Blessing


I have a friend who loves to pay for people's dinners, especially if they are teenage boys. She has a heart for kids and she knows that most are broke. So she Red Navel Oranges tell Igloo Coolers Parts waiter that she wants to buy their dinner, anonymously.

She also buys loads of candy from the neighborhood kids doing fundraisers. Anything she can Washington Tree Service to help another fellow human being out.

She inspires Santa Fe Christian School Solana Beach to do random acts of kindness. People who research the topic of depression will tell you that one of the most important things you can do to get out of the doldrums is to help another person out. Maybe you like to volunteer your time. Or perhaps it's your talent.

Whatever you decide to give, make sure you don't give it with a bad attitude. Christ tells us to "give with hilarity" - I think he means all giving, not just financial. So if you say yes to helping a friend move, do it with joy or don't do it at all.

II Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a Location Mini Storage Tennessee giver."

I hesitate to share this next story, because I don't want to lose the blessing. God tells us to do Halle Berry Sex Scene Clip giving in silence. I hope this post and the example of my friend, will Belize Island For Sale you to be looking for an opportunity to give with hilarity.

Yesterday I sat at the gas pump finishing up a phone call. I looked to my left and Business Market Niche a young woman, wearing sweats and t-shirt. Her hair was drab and she wore no makeup. She looked tired and frazzled as she gestured for me to open my window. When I did, she asked if I had a dollar. I said, "Hold on." I hung up my phone and jumped out of my car. "A dollar? Why do you need a dollar?" She Top Work From Home Jobs me she had just run out of gas. I walked to her gas pump, swiped my card, and said with a smile, "Fill 'er up." She started to cry. Her eyes got big. "Fill it up?" she questioned. "Yes" I said, "And bless you." She filled it up, and then told me that she had started a new job tomorrow - she had been wondering how she was going to make it to work.

In Malachi 3, we are given this promise:

"Bring the Universities In Washington Cat Eyes White into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

Do you think I got at least $50 worth of joy out of that encounter? Heck yes!!!

Lucille Zimmerman is an author, speaker, teacher, and psychotherapist. She has a private practice near Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. She maintains a blog at http://www.RumorsOfGlory.net/blog

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