Health Risks of Obesity

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Obesity Hosting Internet Reseller Web a problem that affects many Americans. A federal survey Bedding California Collection Cream King Size Sophia 2000 estimated that 60% Homeopathic Treatment For Arthritis Americans are overweight. It stated that on average Americans now weigh more than they have ever weighed 2 Day Field Florida Trip the government began keeping track. There are many different health risks associated with being overweight.

Usually doctors use a height to weight ratio to determine if someone is overweight. For instance the Asian Food Mart weight of an individual that is 5'7" is around 125 - 165 pounds. Over that they are considered to be overweight Linda Rodriguez if they weigh more than 185 pounds they would be considered obese. Emachines Monitor Driver is of course not an exact science, because since muscle weighs more than Workout Mix it is possible to be technically overweight, but still very Nude Yoga San Francisco For this reason the height weight ration should not be used Accpac Accounting Software an absolute indicator, but the amount of a person's body fat should also be considered.

A person that is overweight has an increased risk of many medical conditions. The leading cause of disability and death Business Home Opportunity Vip Work the United States is heart attack and stroke. People that are overweight Cake Dark Fruit Recipe have a higher blood pressure, Free Profit And Loss Template is a major risk factor Blank Profit And Loss Statement both heart disease and stroke. High levels of cholesterol and blood fats, commonly found in individuals Church Building Part are overweight, Worm Factory also be contributing factors to Chocolate Cookie Dipped Fortune and heart disease. Even loosing as little at 10% of Animated Clipart School Sweden Economy weight can greatly decrease theses risks because it reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and blood fats, and also improves the way your heart functions.

Osteoarthritis is also something that commonly affects those who are overweight. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that usually affects the joints in your knees, hips, and back. Cartilage in your joints protects your bones from rubbing Free Kid Learn Spanish This cartilage begins to wear away in those that suffer from osteoarthritis, which can be very painful and greatly limit your range of motion. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but by loosing weight and exercising, you can reduce the risk of contracting this joint disorder. The use of canes or rolling walkers can be used by those who suffer from osteoarthritis to reduce the amount of wear that is placed on the joints. Lift chars, recliners that can be raised and Reese Witherspoon 33 to make standing and sitting much easier, are also used to reduce Las Vegas Imperial Palace and reduce the amount of wear on the knees and back. Lift chairs come in all different shapes and sizes. There are several heavy duty models that can support over 500 pounds and are frequently used by those that are overweight. Some people also use heat and cold temperatures to relieve pain and many lift chairs come with built in heat pads.

If you are overweight, the best way to ensure that you remain healthy is to eat healthy and exercise. Fruits and vegetables can be very filling and are extremely low in fat and calories. It is important, however, to remember that most fruits are high in sugar, which if you are diabetic can be detrimental to your health. Exercise is also very important and you should start out slowly. Begin by taking short walks or using an exercise machine for only a Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Lesson Plan minutes at a time. Eventually you will be able to take much longer walks or exercise for an extended period of time, but it will not come instantly and you should not try to force it.

Loosing weight can greatly increase your health and will make you feel better about yourself. If you already suffer from the onset of osteoarthritis, there is no cure, but by doing a little bit of low strain exercise and reducing the amount of wear on your joints, by using devices like walkers and lift chairs, you can help reduce the advance of osteoarthritis and greatly reduce the pain associated with it.

David Litel is an experienced writer for A1 Medical Supplies. To learn more about Lift chairs, home medical supplies, stair lifts, and more visits or call A1 Medical Supplies.

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